Thursday 31 December 2015

Goodbye 2015

2015 is almost over, only a few hours to go. Most people will be spending tonight with family and friends either at a party or a quiet night at home.
2015 has been a big year for me, full of amazing memories that I will never forget. I just wanted to make a post sharing some of my favourite memories of this year. 

My favourite memory of this year has been being able to take part with the American exchange; where I met some amazing people that I will be able to call friends for the rest of my life. I feel blessed to be able to have taken part in this experience. The American exchange was the reason I became friends with Taya Grove, who ( even though she's only a year younger ) will forever be my little sister. Not only did I meet Taya and the others on the exchange, but I got the chance to live with her fabulous family. I love this girl more than life. I now have two family's that mean the world to me.

My next memory of 2015 I want to share is of course my family holiday to Florida. Although this is something loads of people do and I've been a few times, I just love going every time. It really is the most magical place on Earth. I don't think I will ever be too old for Disney!

In September, this year, I was hired by  Make My Day Events and was given my dream job to be a Disney princess. I don't blame you if you're jealous, I would be too. I want to thank Debbie and Mark so much. Every time I go to work I have the time of my life. I can't even describe how great it is to walk into a party and see a child face light up when their favourite characters are there. Plus who doesn't want to wake up and be a princess? I have been blessed with the best job in the world.

And of course I have loved starting my blog this year, even though I don't post as frequently as I would like too. 

This year has been an amazing year, full with amazing memories. I want to thank everyone  who has been a part of it; even if wearen't particularly close anymore, I want to thank you for making this year a year to remember. I hope you all have a wonderful New Years Eve. Bring on 2016

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Last minute Halloween makeup

Halloween is so close now, and if your like me you've probably left your costume to the last minute. But don't worry here are two quick and easy makeup ideas that are really easy, but still really effective. 

Pop Art Girl
Just before I start I want to make it clear I am not great at makeup and art, etc; you can probably do way better than me, but this is just my version of this simple look.

First I moisterised and primed my face as usual, then I just applied my foundation, concealer and power as usual. I used my Mac Studio Fix foundation in NW15, my Rimmel London Wake Me Up concealer in fair and my Avon Calming Effects loose powder in nude.

Next I started defining my face by taking a black face paint and outlining my face shape and my cheek bones. I also drew a line up the middle of my face and around the head of my eyebrow. You should outline any part of the face that has a change in tone to make you look more two dimensional ( if that makes sense).

Next into your eye area. First I started by taking my Smashbox Limitless eye liner, in onyx, and went against everything I've ever been told about doing my eyebrows. I drew the outline to my eyebrow, and just filled it all in to make it a very block coloured eyebrow. After my eyebrows were finished I moved onto my eyes. All you have to do is pick a very vibrant colour eyeshadow(I chose Aqua from my Smashbox cosmic palette) an layer it all over your eye, trying to have as little fall out as possible. Finally I finished my eye with a nice winged eyeliner, using Rimmel London Glam'eyes liquid liner in black.
I said finally but I lied. I actually finished my eye by drawing a line around my eyeshadow with some black face paint, and applied mascara( Mac Extended Play Gigablack Lash) to my bottom lashes. I didn't apply it to my top lashes as I have semi- permanent lashes on right now, but feel free to apply mascara or even flash lashes for a more dramatic look.

Now that we have all our markings on, it's time for the fun part. Now we get to put red dots all over our face ( yay ). I started off trying to make my dots more 'uniform' but after a while I just gave up and started placing the dots randomly, which probably wasn't the best idea but oh well.
Now that we look like we have chicken poks we can finish off our makeup. Finally I applied Mac Lipstick in Rebel, leaving a small section colourless. In my little gap I used a cheap white kohl eyeliner ,that I don't actually know the name of, and topped it with some white eyeshadow.
Now that the makeup was complete I changed into my outfit. All I wore was a yellow crop top from Miss Selfridge and a pair of turcoise jeans from 
If you want to go a step further you could wear a colourful wig; when I used this look last year I wore a bright blue wig to make myself look even more like a pop art drawing. You could even extend the makeup down your neck, or on your ears, or your arm, ect. You could even add tears to your character. I hope you liked this, and that it might have helped you.

Half skull makeup
When I was looking for different last minute looks, this was the one that kept coming up over and over again.

I started my moisterising my face with my Cetraben cream moisteriser and priming my face with my Smashbox Photo Finish primer. 
Next I outlined the shape of my 'exposed' skull with white face paint, and filled it in. I used a few coating of face paint, to get my desired base coverage.
I then took my black paint and outline the shape of the sockets, painted on my nose and also painted a thin line in the middle of my lips.
After this had dried I moved onto sketching out my Cheek and jaw bone. I then started to line up where my teeth would go.
Next starting from the center I sketched in where each tooth would go, trying to keep them all an even size. After I had place my teeth I tried to add a sort of shadow between my cheek and jaw bone( it will improve, trust me).
Now for the fun part. I then took a black eyeshadow on a small thin brush and started to define the shape of my teeth, and chose how I wanted them to sit. I also took the blacks and greys from the palette and added them to the shaded area between the bones, to add dimension.

The last thing I did to the skull part of my face was I took some grey eyeshadow and shaded around oall the bones and the sockets to add depth.

When I was happy with the skull, I moved onto the rest of my face and added my Mac Studio Fix foundation in NW15 and my Rimmel London Wake Me Up concealer in fair. I then applied Mac Mineralize Skinfinish In the shade medium to dark to my temples, and the highlight from my Seventeen Define and Contour kit toward the middle of my forehead. 
I then moved on to my eyes. I went for a purple smokey eye using my Urban Decay Shadow Box Palette. Using the fluffy side of my brush, I applied Sin to my lid, Bordello to my crease, Tornado above my crease and using the thinner side of my brush I applied Blackout to my crease and blended it out. I finished off my eye creating a cute wing, with my Rimmel London Glam'eyes liquid liner in black, and coated my bottom lashes with my Mac Extended Play Gigablack Lash. Again you can also coat your top lashes or use some false lashes for a more dramatic effect, I am not as I have currently got some semi-permanent lashes on.  
Using my Avon Perfect Brow set I filled in my eyebrows, then highlighted my brow bone using my Benifit High Beam.

Makeup finished, I then changed into a black cocktail dress from Miss Selfrige and a pair of very sparkely shoes( that I sadly couldn't get in the photo) from New Look.

And that's the finished look. I hope you liked it. It as really quick and easy; I think it looks really effective for Halloween. You can also change it up to be  however you like it: you could show more skull like on your forehead, you could add cracks in your chin. You can have fun with this look and change it to suit you. 

I hope that these two looks have helped you, and that you have a great Halloween. 
Bye x

Friday 16 October 2015

Fall playlist

One of my favourite parts of Autumn is creating my Autumn playlist. I love listening to it, whenever I put it on it makes me feel all cosy and warm.This is a playlist of all the songs I like to listen to when I'm on the go or just sat at home doing some work.  Here are some of my favourite Autumn songs this year.

1. Across the sea- The Sweeplings
2. Fight song- Rachel Platten
3. Empty gold- Halsey
4. Your head and your heart- The Saint Johns
5. Runaway- Aurora
6. Sweater weather- The Neighbourhood
7. A drop in the ocean- Ron Pope
8. I can't make you love me- Bon Iver
9. Holocene- Bon Iver
10. Cold coffee- Ed Sheeran
11. It will come back- Hoizer
12. Falling slowly- The Frames
13. Bloom- The Paper Kites
14. Blue spotted tail- Fleet Foxes
15. Old pine- Ben Howard
16. Bows and arrows- Rubien And The Dark
17. Not with haste- Mumford And Sons
18. Wills of the river-First Aid kit
19. Give me a sign- Breaking Benjamin
20. Hey there Delilah- The Plain White T's
21. Diary of Jane- Breaking Benjamin
22. Picture perfect- Every Avenue
23. The story left untold- Every Avenue
24. There is a light that never goes out- The Smiths

 And thats all I have, but I love to keep adding to my playlist over time. I used the app 8track to find new songs all the time. 8track is an app that gives you new playlist to listen to, that link to the tags you enter. It is a really amazing app, that I think everyone should have a look at.
Thanks for reading. If you have a listen to any of these songs I would really love to know what you think of them, and also what is in your 'sweater weather' playlist, just feel free to comment below.
Bye chicks.

Wednesday 23 September 2015

Why I love Autumn

Autumns here!!!! It's time to wave goodbye to Summer and Welcome Autumn into your life. Autumn is one of my favourite times of year, there is so much to love about autumn.
- Autumn playlists
- Halloween
- Cosy jumpers
- Falling leaves
- Pumpkin spice lattes
- Pumpkin carving
- Rain
- Woolly hats
- fluffy socks
- Horror movies
- Nightmare before christmas (for those who don't like to be scared)
- Hot water bottles
- XFactor!!!
- Bonfire Night
- An hour more in bed,when the clocks go back
Then after all that, IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!
So after 94 days of summer things may seem a bit dark, but there's always something to look forward too.

Friday 21 August 2015

On flight essentials

Hey guys. I know that summer is almost over, but some of us do still have our holidays coming up. Today I'm going away to Florida (woooo) and when I was packing my carry on I stressed so much about who to being and not to bring. So if you also have that stuggle I hope this can help you.

I am using my new River Island bag (£32) it's really big and pretty, I love it.First off I packed my liquids. It's really important to remeber your liquids have to all be either on or under 100ml, each. You must also remember all liquid products must be placed in a clear plastic bag(like a sandwich bag).
Inside my bag I have my Vaseline essential moisture 50ml moisturiser (£1.99) , Bath and Body works Rio Samba Sunset hand sanitizer ($1.75) and a roll on dove original cream deodorant 50ml (2.26) just to help you refreshed and a little cleaner, also keep you moisturised during the flight as the planes can make your very dry and uncomfortable. I also pack my Garnier under eye roll on(£9.99) to keep my face hydrated and to make my self look more awake. Finally I pack my Revlon photo ready BB cream(£9.99) for if when we are about to land I want tok more refreshed and ready. 

Next,in my main pocket of my bag, I have my hair brush and bobble just to tidy up my appearance. A book and maybe a magazine to give me something to read during the flight. I also have my notepad and pen incase I have any blog/song/story ideas during the flight.
I have my say yes to grapefruit correct and repair facial wipes(£3.99). I don't wear makeup to the airport or during the flight(I might for when I get off) but I love to clean my face and moisturise my skin because planes can make skin really dry and uncomfortable, so I like to clean my face to make myself feel cleaner and more refreshed.
I also like to bring some chewing gum to make myself feel refreshed; also I like to have these for during the landing and take off. I've brought my favourite flavour, bubblemint (😍😍😍).
Because I'm going to Florida where it's hot and sunny I've got my sunglasses. But I also have my prescription glasses for when I'm reading or if I have a headache.Something I love to have during a long flight is my fluffy socks, they make me feel more comfortable and at easy during the flight(also I get really cold feet). The last thing in my main pocket is my portable charger; it's light,helpful and cute.

Finally in my small pocket I have my baby lips doctor rescue lip balm, some paracetamol and my earphones.

Of course you would also need your passport and other documents but I've gave that responsibility to my Papa Bear ( not by choice).

During the flight I will be wearing my white holister shorts, my new crop top frommiss selfridges and my converse. 

And that's it. I just have one more thing I want to show you, it isn't anything about the flight, but I got my nails done the other day for my holiday and I just think they are so cute. All credit goes to Holly from Salon 2000.

Thanks for reading I hope you found this helpful. Please feel free to leave a comment below,and it be great if you would subscribe too. I hope you've all had a great summer.
Bye chicks.

Monday 17 August 2015

The L word

What is  love? What is it that makes love so strong and important?Why do we feel the need to be loved by someone else to feel whole;why do we need to have someone else tell us we are special, when that is something we should be able to tell ourself.

We live in a society where when someone says they love you,you feel obliged to say it back. We live in a world where the word 'love' has lost all meaning. We throw it around, and use it, when really we don't always mean it. If you turn on the radio or a music channel right now, most chances are the song playing is about love or heartbreak. Every song, every film, every show is about love. Love in a movie against real life tends to be totally different: one is full of romance passion and over coming all obstacles, then in real life there is the tender side but also the arguments and hurt that comes along with it. The movies only tell half the story.

I know I sound like a hater of love,but I'm not, I just think if love is so special, why do we throw it around like it's nothing. Why do we count all ended relationships as failures, because if they were worth it all then surely it wasn't a failure merely an attempt for happiness, and an ending to a chapter in your story.
What even is real love? Is it the passion? The romance? The hurt? Or it just living in the moment? 
I think that throughout your life you change the way you see love. Love can be whatever you want it to be, as long as it's worth it. 
Be you, love yourself for it, and others will follow.

That's all for now. I know I haven't been posting for a while (oops) but I will be trying to post more frequently hopefully, so please keep reading my blogs and tell me what you think of them, it really means a lot. I hope you like it (if not I'm sorry).Please feel free to leave a comment below (if not oh well, whatever floats your boat).
Bye chicks x